News Details

News Headline Parent Teacher Association Meeting held on 28 December, 2024
Detailed News Parent Teacher Association (PTA) is a formal association of parents and educators created to support and reform the educational system and get parents interested in their child's academics. The primary goal of PTA is to promote the well-being of the children. PTA gives parents and teachers a platform to collaborate on improving the school, teaching, and everything else that affects a child's physical and intellectual development in the early days. By enabling two-way conversations between parents and teachers, it enhances home-school relations. SRVM conducted a meeting of its PTA on 28 December 2024, where Mrs. Babita Agarwal Srinivas, the principal Shri Ram Vidya Mandir, the parents and the member teachers shared their views & innovative ideas for the holistic development of children. It was a wonderful meeting where splendid discussion was held on how children can be equipped with 21st Century skills to go in the era of artificial intelligence.
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